Dr. Horváth és Dr.Tornyai Fogszakorvosi Kft.


7- YEAR GUARANTEE FOR Prosthetic works
In accordance with the most modern treatment principles accepted in dentistry our dental office assumes 7 years of guarantee for:

•    Crowns     
•    Bridgeworks   
•    Model casted partial dentures
•    Prosthetic part of the implant casted dentures, crowns, bridges

4 years guarantee for:
•    fillings
•    acrylic dentures
•    plastic parts of the prostheses
•    inlays

What does the warranty cover?
If the treated teeth, denture or filling we made according to the above-mentioned methods becomes damaged, breaks, cracks  to an extent beyond what could result from normal use we repair or change it free of costs for our patients.

The guarantee is not valid for:
•    Root canal fillings made not in our office, as well as any associated illnesses or damages
•    Prostheses and fillings made by our office and tried to be repaired by other dentists
•    Any allergy arising after treatment and the associated consequences
•    Extreme strain of the denture (graining during night, cramping)
•    Irregular usage, casualty damages

In addition to the original treatment the patient is required to pay:
•    Inflammation control. If a tooth extraction is needed the extraction and the new surgical and/or prosthetic solution
•    Inflammation control on a root canal filled at our office, if it does not influence the condition of the prosthesis.
•    Root canal cleansing and filling. The repair of the filling or crown is free of charge.
•    Travel and accommodation

Patients having serious parodontopathy are evaluated from a unique standpoint. They should undergo regular quarterly controls.

Patients must clean their teeth appropriately and visit us every six months for regular control.

For those patients, who can not come for the regular check-ups every 6 months within the warranty- time, the guarantee for the by us made dental works is the following: within a year following the treatment the warranty covers 100% of the value of the prostheses, which will decrease by 10 % each year afterwards.
The patient is bound to come back within two weeks if there is a detectable damage of the dental work, especially the implant prosthetic works.

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